Statistics are calculated as soon as we receive new information. isConfirmed
flag is used to signify, whether data is considered correct by the match state feed provider.
Competitor - statistic is computed for competitors (teams)
Participant - statistic is computed for participants (players)
Per Fixture - only total value is available, no per period values
Per Period - both total and per period values are available
turnovers Competitor Per Period
Total number of turnovers committed by the competitor
fumblesLost + interceptions + turnoversOnDowns
turnoversOnDowns Competitor Per Period
Number of turnovers committed by failing to gain first down
offenseYards Competitor Per Period
Number of yards gained in offense
plays Competitor Per Period
Number of plays by the offense
timeOfPossessionSeconds Competitor Per Period
Time of possession is computed from the first play initiated by a competitor from the line of scrimmage until it loses possession, or there is a score, or the half or the game ends. When a change of possession (punt, fumble, interception, kick) occurs during a play, consider the original competitor in possession until the play ends.
If a penalty causes one or more kickoffs to be nullified, time consumed on the nullified play(s) is credited to the competitor that is credited with the time on the first kickoff play that is not nullified.
If the half ends after one or more nullified kickoff plays, time consumed on the nullified play(s) is credited to the kicking competitor.
Total time of possession by the offense
returnsYards Competitor Per Period
Number of return yards gained by the competitor, excluding kickoff returns
fumblesReturnsYards + puntingReturnsYards + interceptionsReturnsYards
playYardsAverage Competitor Per Fixture
average number of yards gained by the competitor per offensive play
offenseYards / plays
tackles Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of tackles credited
tacklesSolo + tacklesSpecialTeam
tacklesSolo Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of tackles credited during non kicking plays
tacklesSpecialTeam Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of tackles credited during kicking plays
tacklesForLoss Competitor Participant Per Period
A Tackle for Loss is credited to a defender who tackles an offensive participant behind the line of scrimmage.
- A Sack has to end the play for a TFL to be awarded.
- A Strip Sack/Forced Fumble will not result in a TFL as the play is not ended.
- A Zero Yard Sack will not result in a TFL
- A tackle behind the line of scrimmage (non-sack) will result in a TFL
Number of tackles that resulted in the offense losing yardage from the original line of scrimmage.
tacklesForLossYards Competitor Participant Per Period
Sum of yards lost by the offense on plays where the defender was credited with a tackle for a loss.
passesDefended Participant Per Period
Also known as pass knockdowns in CFL.
Number of pass knockdowns credited to the participant
sacks Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of sacks earned by defense
sacksForLossYards Competitor Participant Per Period
Sum of sack yards earned by defense
safeties Competitor Per Period
Number of safeties
driveGoalToGoAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of drives where the competitor had a goal to go chance
driveGoalToGoSucceeded Competitor Per Period
Number of goal to go chances that were converted to a touchdown
driveInsideTwentyAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of drives where the competitor was inside the opponent 20 yard line
driveInsideTwentySucceeded Competitor Per Period
Number of chances inside the opponent 20 yard line that were converted to a touchdown
driveInsideTwentySucceededPercentage Competitor Per Fixture
Percentage of chances inside the opponent 20 yard line that were converted to a touchdown
drives Competitor Per Period
Total number of drives in the fixture by competitor's offense
firstDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of first down attempts for the competitor
firstDownsConversions Competitor Per Period
Number of first downs successfully converted by the competitor
firstDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period
Percentage of first downs successfully converted by the competitor
firstDownsYards Competitor Per Period
Number of yards gained on first down plays
firstDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period
Average number of yards gained on first down plays
secondDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of second down attempts for the competitor
secondDownsConversions Competitor Per Period
Number of second downs successfully converted by the competitor
secondDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period
Percentage of second downs successfully converted by the competitor
secondDownsYards Competitor Per Period
Number of yards gained on second down plays
secondDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period
Average number of yards gained on second down plays
secondDownsOneToThreeYardsAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of second down attempts for the competitor where yards to go was between one and three yards
secondDownsOneToThreeYardsConversions Competitor Per Period
Number of second downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between one and three yards
secondDownsOneToThreeYardsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period
Percentage of second downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between one and three yards
secondDownsFourToSixYardsAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of second down attempts for the competitor where yards to go was between four and six yards
secondDownsFourToSixYardsConversions Competitor Per Period
Number of second downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between four and six yards
secondDownsFourToSixYardsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period
Percentage of second downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between four and six yards
secondDownsSevenPlusYardsAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of second down attempts for the competitor where yards to go was seven or more yards
secondDownsSevenPlusYardsConversions Competitor Per Period
Number of second downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was seven or more yards
secondDownsSevenPlusYardsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period
Percentage of second downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was seven or more yards
thirdDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period
Number of third down attempts for the competitor
thirdDownsConversions Competitor Per Period
Number of third downs successfully converted by the competitor
thirdDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period
Percentage of third downs successfully converted by the competitor
thirdDownsYards Competitor Per Period
Number of yards gained on third down plays
thirdDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period
Average number of yards gained on third down plays
Extra Points
extraPointsAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of extra points attempted
extraPointsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of extra points that got blocked
defensiveExtraPointsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of extra points that were blocked by the defence
extraPointsSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of extra points made
Field Goals
fieldGoalsAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of field goals attempted
fieldGoalsAverageYards Competitor Participant Per Fixture
Total made field goal yards divided by the number of field goal attempts, both made and missed, but excluding blocked field goals
fieldGoalsYards / (field goals missed + field goals made)
fieldGoalsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of field goals that got blocked
defensiveFieldGoalsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of field goals that were blocked by the defense
fieldGoalsYards Competitor Participant Per Period
Sum of all made field goal yards
fieldGoalsMissed Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of field goals missed
fieldGoalsMissedReturns Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of missed field goals returned
fieldGoalsMissedReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of yards returned after a missed field goal + yards from laterals if there are such
fieldGoalsMissedReturnsYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Period
Average number of yards gained per missed field goal return. Doesn't include yards from laterals
fieldGoalsMissedReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Period
Length of the longest missed field goal return + yards from laterals if there are such
fieldGoalsSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of field goals made
fieldGoalsSucceededYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture
Length of the longest successful field goal kicked
fieldGoalsSucceededPercentage Competitor Participant Per Fixture
Percentage of succeeded field goals
First Downs
firstDowns Competitor Per Period
Number of first downs earned by the competitor
firstDownsPassing Competitor Per Period
Number of passing first downs earned by the competitor
firstDownsPenalties Competitor Per Period
Number of first downs earned by penalties
firstDownsRushing Competitor Per Period
Number of rushing first downs earned by the competitor
fumbles Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of fumbles
fumblesForced Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of fumbles that were forced by the opponent
fumblesLost Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of fumbles recovered by the opponent
fumblesOutOfBounds Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of fumbles where the ball went out of bounds
fumblesRecoveries Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of fumbles that were recovered by the same competitor
fumblesRecoveriesFromOpponents Competitor Participant Per Period
Number of fumbles that were recovered from opponent fumble
fumblesRecoveriesOwn Competitor Participant Per Period
“Own recovery” designates a fumble recovered by any member of the competitor committing the fumble.
fumblesRecoveriesOwnYards Competitor Participant Per Period
Sum of yards gained by own fumble recoveries.
fumblesReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period
Sum of yards gained after recovering opponent competitor fumble + yards from laterals if there are such
fumblesReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture
Length of the longest return after recovering opponent competitor fumble + yards from laterals if there are such