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Statistics are calculated as soon as we receive new information. isConfirmed flag is used to signify, whether data is considered correct by the match state feed provider.


Competitor - statistic is computed for competitors (teams)


Competitor As Participant - statistic is computed in participant level with the id set of the competitor


Participant - statistic is computed for participants (players)


Per Fixture - only total value is available, no per period values


Per Period - both total and per period values are available


Conversion Play - statistic is not calculated in conversion plays


turnovers Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Total number of turnovers committed by the competitor
fumblesLost + interceptions

turnoversOnDowns Competitor Per Period

Number of turnovers committed by failing to gain first down

offenseYards Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Number of yards gained in offense

plays Competitor Per Period

Number of plays by the offense

timeOfPossessionSeconds Competitor Per Period

Time of possession is computed from the first play initiated by a competitor from the line of scrimmage until it loses possession, or there is a score, or the half or the game ends. When a change of possession (punt, fumble, interception, kick) occurs during a play, consider the original competitor in possession until the play ends.
EXCEPTION: On a kickoff or on a free kick following a safety, all time consumed is credited to the competitor that first gains possession of the kick. If neither competitor gains possession and the kick goes out of bounds, all time consumed is credited to the receiving competitor. If a penalty causes one or more kickoffs to be nullified, time consumed on the nullified play(s) is credited to the competitor that is credited with the time on the first kickoff play that is not nullified. If the half ends after one or more nullified kickoff plays, time consumed on the nullified play(s) is credited to the kicking competitor.

Total time of possession by the offense

returnsYards Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Number of return yards gained by the competitor, excluding kickoff returns
fumblesReturnsYards + puntingReturnsYards + interceptionsReturnsYards

playYardsAverage Competitor Per Fixture

average number of yards gained by the competitor per offensive play
offenseYards / plays


tackles Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of tackles credited
tacklesSolo + tacklesAssisted + tacklesSpecialTeam + tacklesAssistedSpecialTeam

tacklesSolo Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of tackles credited in non kicking plays

tacklesAssisted Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of tackle assists in non kicking plays

tacklesSpecialTeam Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of tackles credited in kicking plays

tacklesAssistedSpecialTeam Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of tackle assists in kicking plays

tacklesForLoss Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

A Tackle for Loss is credited to a defender who tackles an offensive participant behind the line of scrimmage. Note that only one participant can receive a TFL on a play and there are not half TFLs.

  • Split Sacks do not provide TFLs for the participants involved, as there are not half TFLs
  • A Sack has to end the play for a TFL to be awarded, and it must be a Solo Sack behind the line of scrimmage.
  • A Strip Sack/Forced Fumble will not result in a TFL as the play is not ended.
  • A Zero Yard Sack will not result in a TFL, even if the Zero Yard Sack is a Solo Sack
  • A solo tackle behind the line of scrimmage (non-sack) will result in a TFL
  • A split tackle (Assist/Assist) behind the line of scrimmage will not result in a TFL for either participant
  • A Tackle/Assist (TA) behind the line of scrimmage will result in a TFL for the participant credited with the full tackle (T), but not for the participant credited with the assist (A)

Number of tackles that resulted in the offense losing yardage from the original line of scrimmage.

tacklesForLossYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Sum of yards lost by the offense on plays where the defender was credited with a tackle for a loss.

passesDefended Participant Per Period Conversion Play


Also known as pass breakups in NCAA.

Number of pass breakups credited to the participant

sacks Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of sacks earned by defense

sacksForLossYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Sum of sack yards earned by defense

safeties Competitor Per Period

Number of safeties

quarterbackHits Participant Per Period Conversion Play


Also known as quarterback hurries in NCAA.

Number of times the participant was credited with hurrying the quarterback


driveGoalToGoAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of drives where the competitor had a goal to go chance

driveGoalToGoSucceeded Competitor Per Period

Number of goal to go chances that were converted to a touchdown

driveInsideTwentyAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of drives where the competitor was inside the opponent 20 yard line

driveInsideTwentySucceeded Competitor Per Period

Number of chances inside the opponent 20 yard line that were converted to a touchdown

driveInsideTwentySucceededPercentage Competitor Per Fixture

Percentage of chances inside the opponent 20 yard line that were converted to a touchdown

drives Competitor Per Period

Total number of drives in the fixture by competitor's offense


firstDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of first down attempts for the competitor

firstDownsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of first downs successfully converted by the competitor

firstDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of first downs successfully converted by the competitor

firstDownsYards Competitor Per Period

Number of yards gained on first down plays

firstDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period

Average number of yards gained on first down plays

secondDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of second down attempts for the competitor

secondDownsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of second downs successfully converted by the competitor

secondDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of second downs successfully converted by the competitor

secondDownsYards Competitor Per Period

Number of yards gained on second down plays

secondDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period

Average number of yards gained on second down plays

thirdDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of third down attempts for the competitor

thirdDownsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of third downs successfully converted by the competitor

thirdDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of third downs successfully converted by the competitor

thirdDownsYards Competitor Per Period

Number of yards gained on third down plays

thirdDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period

Average number of yards gained on third down plays

thirdDownsOneToThreeYardsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of third down attempts for the competitor where yards to go was between one and three yards

thirdDownsOneToThreeYardsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of third downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between one and three yards

thirdDownsOneToThreeYardsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of third downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between one and three yards

thirdDownsFourToSixYardsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of third down attempts for the competitor where yards to go was between four and six yards

thirdDownsFourToSixYardsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of third downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between four and six yards

thirdDownsFourToSixYardsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of third downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was between four and six yards

thirdDownsSevenPlusYardsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of third down attempts for the competitor where yards to go was seven or more yards

thirdDownsSevenPlusYardsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of third downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was seven or more yards

thirdDownsSevenPlusYardsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of third downs successfully converted by the competitor where yards to go was seven or more yards

fourthDownsAttempted Competitor Per Period

Number of fourth down attempts for the competitor

fourthDownsConversions Competitor Per Period

Number of fourth downs successfully converted by the competitor

fourthDownsConversionsPercentage Competitor Per Period

Percentage of fourth downs successfully converted by the competitor

fourthDownsYards Competitor Per Period

Number of yards gained on fourt down plays

fourthDownsYardsAverage Competitor Per Period

Average number of yards gained on fourt down plays

Extra Points

extraPointsAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of extra points attempted

extraPointsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of extra points that got blocked

defensiveExtraPointsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of extra points that were blocked by the defence

extraPointsSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of extra points made

Field Goals

fieldGoalsAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of field goals attempted

fieldGoalsAverageYards Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Total made field goal yards divided by the number of field goal attempts, both made and missed, but excluding blocked field goals
fieldGoalsYards / (field goals missed + field goals made)

fieldGoalsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of field goals that got blocked

defensiveFieldGoalsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of field goals that were blocked by the defense

fieldGoalsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Sum of all made field goal yards

fieldGoalsMissed Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of field goals missed

fieldGoalsMissedReturns Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of missed field goals returned

fieldGoalsMissedReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of yards returned after a missed field goal + yards from laterals if there are such

fieldGoalsMissedReturnsYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Period

Average number of yards gained per missed field goal return. Doesn't include yards from laterals

fieldGoalsMissedReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Period

Length of the longest missed field goal return + yards from laterals if there are such

fieldGoalsSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of field goals made

fieldGoalsSucceededYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Length of the longest successful field goal kicked

fieldGoalsSucceededPercentage Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Percentage of succeeded field goals

First Downs

firstDowns Competitor Per Period

Number of first downs earned by the competitor

firstDownsPassing Competitor Per Period

Number of passing first downs earned by the competitor

firstDownsPenalties Competitor Per Period

Number of first downs earned by penalties

firstDownsRushing Competitor Per Period

Number of rushing first downs earned by the competitor


fumbles Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of fumbles

fumblesForced Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of fumbles that were forced by the opponent

fumblesLost Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of fumbles recovered by the opponent

fumblesOutOfBounds Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of fumbles where the ball went out of bounds

fumblesRecoveries Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of fumbles that were recovered by the same competitor

fumblesRecoveriesFromOpponents Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of fumbles that were recovered from opponent fumble

fumblesRecoveriesOwn Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

“Own recovery” designates a fumble recovered by any member of the competitor committing the fumble.

fumblesReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Sum of yards gained after recovering opponent competitor fumble + yards from laterals if there are such

fumblesReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest return after recovering opponent competitor fumble + yards from laterals if there are such


interceptions Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of interceptions

Interception Returns

interceptionsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of interception returns

interceptionsReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Sum of yards gained on interception returns + yards from laterals if there are such

interceptionsReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest interception return + yards from laterals if there are such


kickoffs Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoffs

kickoffsFairCatches Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of fair catches

kickoffsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Sum of yards on the kickoffs

kickoffsYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Kickoff yards average

kickoffsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Length of the longest kickoff

kickoffsInsideEndZone Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoffs that reached the opponents end zone. This is only for calculating the length of the kick, the kick doesn't have to end in a touchback

kickoffsInsideTwenty Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoffs that ended inside opponent’s 20 yardline

kickoffsKickerReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Sum of the yards returned by the opponent after kickoff

kickoffsOutOfBounds Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoffs that went out of bounds

kickoffsTouchbacks Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoffs that resulted in touchback

Kickoff Returns

kickoffsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoff returns

kickoffsReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of kickoff return yards + yards from laterals if there are such

kickoffsReturnsYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Average number of yards gained per kickoff return. Doesn't include yards from laterals

kickoffsReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Length of the longest kickoff return + yards from laterals if there are such


kneels Competitor Competitor As Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of kneels

kneelsYards Competitor Competitor As Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of yards lost by kneeling

losses Competitor Competitor As Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Total number of losses

lossesYards Competitor Competitor As Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of yards lost


hasParticipated Participant Per Fixture

Participant participated in the fixture.

wasStarter Participant Per Fixture

Participant was a starter in the fixture for offense or defense.


passesAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of passes thrown

passesAttemptedYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Average number of yards gained per passing attempt

passesIntercepted Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of passes thrown for an interception

passesRating Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Quarterback performance rating Wikipedia

passesSacked Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of times the participant was sacked

passesSackedFirstDown Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of times the participant was sacked on a first down

passesSackedSecondDown Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of times the participant was sacked on a second down

passesSackedThirdDown Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of times the participant was sacked on a third down

passesSackedFourthDown Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of times the participant was sacked on a fourth down

passesSackedLostYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of yards lost by sacks

passesSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of completed passes

passesSucceededYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play


This stat includes yards until the end of play + yards from laterals if there are such + yards from laterals if there are such

Number of passing yards earned,

passesSucceededYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play


This stat includes yards until the end of play. Doesn't include yards from laterals. Doesn't include yards from laterals

Average number of yards gained per passing completion

passesSucceededYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play


This stat includes yards until the end of play + yards from laterals if there are such + yards from laterals if there are such

Length of the longest pass thrown for a completion

passesSucceededPercentage Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Percentage of pass attempts resulting in a completion

passesSucceededThirtyPlusYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of completed passes for thirty or more yards


penaltiesChargedDefense Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of penalties charged in defensive plays

penaltiesChargedOffense Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of penalties charged in offensive plays

penaltiesDeclined Competitor Per Period

Number of penalties declined

penaltiesForLossYards Competitor Per Period

Number of yards lost because of penalties

firstDownsByPenalties Competitor Per Period

Number of first downs lost to opponent competitor by penalties


punts Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punts kicked

puntingYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punt yards earned (gross)

puntingYardsNet Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punt yards earned (net)

puntingYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Length of the longest punt kicked

puntingTouchbacks Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punts that were brought back as touchbacks

puntingKickerReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Sum of all return yards by the opponent

puntingYardsGrossAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Sum of all punt yards divided by all punts

puntingYardsNetAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture

The punters net punting average
(puntsYards - [Opponent] puntReturnsYards - (puntTouchbacks x 20)) / punts

puntsBlocked Competitor Competitor As Participant Per Period

Number of punts that got blocked

defensivePuntsBlocked Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punts that were blocked by the defence

puntingInsideTwenty Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punts that ended inside the opponents 20 yard line

puntingInsideTen Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punts that ended inside the opponents 10 yard line

Punting Returns

puntsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punt returns

puntingReturnsYards Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of punt return yards earned + yards from laterals if there are such

puntingReturnsYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Average number of yards gained per punt return. Doesn't include yards from laterals

puntingReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture

Length of the longest punt return + yards from laterals if there are such

puntingFairCatches Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of fair catches


receptions Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of passes caught

receptionsYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play


This stat includes yards until the end of play + yards from laterals if there are such

Number of receiving yards

receptionsYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play


This stat includes yards until the end of play. Doesn't include yards from laterals

Average number of yards gained per reception
receptionsYards / receptions

receptionsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play


This stat includes yards until the end of play + yards from laterals if there are such

Length of the longest pass reception

receptionsThirtyPlusYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of passes caught for thirty or more yards

receptionsThirdDownForFirstDown Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of passes caught in a third down that resulted in a first down

passesTargetedAt Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of times the participant was targeted for an incomplete pass or interception + the number of receptions

yardsAfterCatch Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Yardage from where the ball was caught until the participant's action was over (can be negative or positive)


All plays from scrimmage are rushing plays unless:

  • There is a kick from behind the line of scrimmage
  • There is a pass from behind the line of scrimmage
  • A participant makes an apparent attempt to pass at any time before he or a teammate is tackled, steps out of bounds, or fumbles behind or at the line of scrimmage (in which case the play is ruled a sack.)

rushes Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of rushing attempts

rushingYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of rushing yards earned + yards from laterals if there are such

rushingYardsAverage Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Average number of yards gained per rush. Doesn't include yards from laterals rushingYards / rushes

rushingYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest rush + yards from laterals if there are such

rushesTenPlusYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of rushes for ten or more yards

rushesTwentyPlusYards Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of rushes for twenty or more yards

rushesAttemptedInsideTwenty Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Number of drives where the competitor was inside the opponent’s 20 yard line

rushesSucceededInsideTwenty Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Number of inside the opponent's 20 yard line chances that were converted to a touchdown

rushingTacklesForLoss Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Number of rushing plays for negative yardage

rushingTacklesForLossYards Competitor Per Period Conversion Play

Sum of tackle for loss yards


largestLead Competitor Per Fixture

Largest lead for the entirety of the fixture

pointsAllowed Competitor Per Period

Number of points scored by the opponent competitor in the fixture

pointsAllowedFirstQuarter Competitor Per Period

Number of points scored by the opponent competitor in the first quarter

pointsAllowedSecondQuarter Competitor Per Period

Number of points scored by the opponent competitor in the second quarter

pointsAllowedThirdQuarter Competitor Per Period

Number of points scored by the opponent competitor in the third quarter

pointsAllowedFourthQuarter Competitor Per Period

Number of points scored by the opponent competitor in the fourth quarter

pointsAllowedOvertime Competitor Per Period

Number of points scored by the opponent competitor in overtime

pointsScored Competitor Participant Per Period

Total points scored in the fixture. This statistic has total value up to the end of each period in its period array:
If 6 points were scored in first period and 3 points in second period, the arraay will have 6 points for first period and 9 points for second period

pointsScoredFirstQuarter Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of points scored in the first quarter

pointsScoredSecondQuarter Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of points scored in the second quarter

pointsScoredThirdQuarter Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of points scored in the third quarter

pointsScoredFourthQuarter Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of points scored in the fourth quarter

pointsScoredOvertime Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of points scored in overtime


touchdowns Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of touchdowns scored

touchdownsFieldGoalsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of missed field goals returned for a touchdown

touchdownsFumblesOwnRecovery Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of own fumble recoveries returned for a touchdown

touchdownsFumblesReturn Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of touchdowns scored after recovering opponent competitor fumble

touchdownsInterceptionsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of interceptions returned for a touchdown

touchdownsInterceptionsReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest touchdown interception return

touchdownsKickoffsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of kickoff returns for a touchdown

touchdownsKickoffsReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest kickoff return for a touchdown

touchdownsPasses Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of passes completed for a touchdown

touchdownsPassesYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest pass thrown for a touchdown

touchdownsPuntingReturns Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of punts returned for a touchdown

touchdownsPuntingReturnsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest punt return for a touchdown

touchdownsReceptions Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of passes received for a touchdown

touchdownsReceptionsYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest pass received for a touchdown

touchdownsReturns Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of touchdowns scored after kickoff, punt, fumble and interception returns

touchdownsRushing Competitor Participant Per Period Conversion Play

Number of rushing touchdowns

touchdownsRushingYardsLongest Competitor Participant Per Fixture Conversion Play

Length of the longest rush for a touchdown

Two Point Conversions

twoPointPassAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of attempted two point conversion passes

twoPointPassSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of successful two point conversion passes

twoPointReceptionAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of attempted two point conversion receptions

twoPointReceptionSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of successful two point conversion receptions

twoPointRushAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of attempted two point conversion rushes

twoPointRushSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of successful two point conversion rushes

twoPointDefensiveConversionsAttempted Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of attempted two point defensive conversion rushes

twoPointDefensiveConversionsSucceeded Competitor Participant Per Period

Number of successful two point defensive conversion rushes

twoPointConversionsDefense Competitor Per Period

Number of successful defensive two point conversions